Friday, June 20, 2014

Family Bike Ride!

Well, I am clearly slacking on keeping up with my blog. I'll try to do better. 

Today was Family Bike Ride Day! Cousin Avery passed his bike with training wheels down to Micah, so we got him a helmet and he was ready to ride!! He's been asking for a few days now to go in a Family Bike Ride, so we were finally able to do that today. 
This is him riding up and down the sidewalk last night...
Here are a few shots from today...
Lila and Henry enjoyed their ride too.
We rode to McDonald's for lunch and Lila was, of course, being goofy.
And Henry had a diaper blow out so he got to make the ride back in just his diaper, but I don't think he cared.
Our little lady didn't make it all the way home.
Micah ran threw the sprinkler when we got home to cool off a little bit before going in for a nap. So Mommy got to hang out with the boys while Daddy took Lila in to lay her down.
It has been a fun day! Now to get to all of the dishes and laundry that have piled up. I live by this quote: "Pardon the mess, my children are making memories."